Empowering women and their families through innovative livelihoods
Lift women out of poverty — Change the future
Lift women out of poverty — Change the future NEW Pathways to Enterprise is dedicated to empowering women for profitable, fulfilling livelihoods so they can achieve their dreams of a better life for their families.
With your continued support, we will reach hundreds of women who so deeply desire this chance to improve their lives and those of their families.
NEW Pathways’ approach — From Learning to Livelihood
Through our Learning to Livelihood program, coupled with business start-up support, we serve as an incubator of new businesses for and by women. We guide women through the entrepreneurial process from business idea generation through business start-up. We offer a series of IdeaShops that encourage women to explore, evaluate, and select business alternatives that offer profitable returns and opportunities for creativity and increased self-esteem.
Level 1: IdeaShop for Business Idea Generation
Successful entrepreneurs share information about their work and inspire women to select livelihoods with high potential. Exploring business alternatives is an essential first step in the entrepreneurial process which is absent from most livelihood training programs for women.
Level 2: IdeaShop for Livelihood Skills Training
Livelihood training by entrepreneurs and livelihood experts imparts practical skills through hands-on sessions, developing women's abilities and confidence. Participants receive the technical skills required to engage in livelihoods selected by the women themselves.
Level 3: IdeaShop for Business Skills Training
Strategic planning and management, marketing and financial skills necessary for business operations are featured, including business plans, cash flow and profitability analysis.
Level 4: Business Start-up with IMPACT (Integrating Market Performance And Commercial Transactions)
Women launch their businesses, following detailed business plans. Participants are nurtured with great care during this phase. We provide start-up capital and equipment. Local partners provide mentoring and monitoring services.
Our ImpactNEW Pathways’ participants are deeply grateful for opportunities to develop sustainable livelihoods. They are joyous, inspired, and motivated, envisioning better lives for themselves and their families. As one community leader remarked, “We can have this livelihood for the whole barangay, for the purpose of helping one another … I believe it will be you spreading this throughout the world, not only in Doldol … without you this wouldn’t be possible.”
Celebrating 10 years of Empowering Women through Livelihood Programs
400+ graduates of innovative livelihood programs
390+ families benefit from our pandemic and typhoon relief programs
16 communities in remote areas of the Philippines have received training and assistance
90% of donations are applied directly to livelihood programs
What our participants tell us
“New Pathways has changed my life.” Helen says she has gained confidence in her abilities. Her responsibilities have matured, her leadership skills are enhanced, and she is able to fulfill her desire to help her neighbors in a more systematic way.
-- Helen
“New Pathways, Very, very thank you because you are the one that taught us that we have the capacity we didn’t know we had. Because of New Pathways we have new hope and livelihood here…”.
-- Clarissa
“We do everything here in our association for the project to be successful because we are very lucky there are people with good hearts who helped and never tire of helping us, especially New Pathways”
-- Henelyn
“Thank you so much to all New Pathways’ generous donors. Without you, we would not have reached where we are now. We are stronger, more resilient, and more united as an association.”
-- Riza
About Us
We are a 501(c)(3) public charity. Our mission is to enable economically disadvantaged women for livelihoods that offer profitable returns and opportunities for creativity and increased self-esteem. We collaborate with local grass roots organizations, universities, public agencies, microfinance institutions, and faith-based organizations to leverage our financial and nonfinancial resources for maximum benefit. Working together we can have a positive, direct, and immediate impact on the lives of disadvantaged women and their families. Our current programs are in the Philippines. We intend to expand over time within southeast Asia, to Latin America and Africa.
Your donation to NEW Pathways will enable a woman and offer her children a brighter future. For more information, please contact us: chris@newpathwaystoenterprise.org
We welcome stock donations as well. By donating stock that has increased in value, you will avoid paying capital gains tax. Many donors have found this is an easy way to increase their donation while easing their tax burden. If you would like to support our work in this way, you may consider opening a donor account at https://stockdonator.com/open-new-account/.
Next, click on the following link:
We are a 501(c)(3) public charity. Our mission is to enable economically disadvantaged women for livelihoods that offer profitable returns and opportunities for creativity and increased self-esteem. We collaborate with local grass roots organizations, universities, public agencies, microfinance institutions, and faith-based organizations to leverage our financial and nonfinancial resources for maximum benefit. Working together we can have a positive, direct, and immediate impact on the lives of disadvantaged women and their families. Our current programs are in the Philippines. We intend to expand over time within southeast Asia, to Latin America and Africa.
Your donation to NEW Pathways will enable a woman and offer her children a brighter future. For more information, please contact us: chris@newpathwaystoenterprise.org